skype history location

SkyHistory is a Skype conversation history manager. Export Skype history, search for Skype chat history, manage Skype messages and chats with SkyHistory – product developed by Scand Developed by Visit Scand Ltd. Contact dev team ...

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Free Sound Recorder is a great tool that is better than Windows own stock audio recording offering. This neat little app can record whatever data your sound card is processing. Not only that, but it a...

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  • Skype (/ ˈ s k aɪ p /) is a telecommunications application software product that specializ...
    Skype - Wikipedia
  • Your conversation history includes all the instant messages you’ve sent to and received fr...
    How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Windows ...
  • Where and how can I view my skype logs (Chat and Voice history)? Does it get saved somewhe...
    Where and how can i view skype logs (Chat and Voice history) ...
  • Contacts are stored on Skype's servers, however history is (in my experience) only syn...
    Where does Skype save its chat history & contacts? - ...
  • Hello!I've read too much stuff about finding your skype history.Most of them say its i...
    Where can I find Skype history files? | Yahoo Answers ...
  • SkyHistory is a Skype conversation history manager. Export Skype history, search for Skype...
    SkyHistory – View and Manage Skype Chat History ...
  • Hi, How can we get a backup of the chat, for a Skype account, stored in the machine on whi...
    Skype Chat History Location in my computer - ...
  • Windows 7 Forums is the largest help and support community, providing friendly help and ad...
    How to move skype history location? - Windows 7 Help Forums ...
  • For Skype application, the chat logs are stored into the main.db file of skype user folder...
    where is chat history of Skype for Business is stored in ...
  • Your Skype conversation history keeps a record of all the instant messages, phone calls, S...
    Where Are Log Files in Skype? | Synonym
  • Skype (/ ˈ s k aɪ p /) is a telecommunications application software product that specializ...
    Skype - Wikipedia
  • Your conversation history includes all the instant messages you’ve sent to and received fr...
    How do I manage my conversation history in Skype for Windows ...